Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Spring Cleaning

So, in hopes of increasing my odds of a Zen like existence, I have been spring cleaning! Actually, it has been taking place over the past three weeks. Our trash can is only so big, you know.

Note to self: Think about leaving big tip to trash collectors . . . especially the one who threw out his back last week trying to toss around our trash can (filled with a year's worth of old magazines).

And in the spirit of spring cleaning, I thought I'd pass along some tips I've learned.

1. KABOOM-You want clean grout? Use Kaboom. If it doesn't get your tile grout clean, nothing will.

2. 409-Use to clean cabinets. It is a good idea to clean the inside and outside of cabinet doors.

3. 2 CUPS OF WATER AND 1 TABLESPOON LEMON JUICE-Place in microwave safe container, microwave on high for three minutes. Water turns to steam and loosens all the caked on crap in your microwave. The lemon helps neutralize odors that might be remaining from last weeks curry tempeh. Remove water and wipe down the inside of the microwave. Now your microwave is sparkling clean (and tomorrow's microwaved lunch won't have a faint smell of last week's curry).

4. GET RID OF MAGAZINES AFTER ONE OR TWO MONTHS-Come on folks! This is the internet age! If you need it that badly in the future, go to the website and print out the article.

5. GO THROUGH YOUR PANTRY-Check expiration dates on canned goods. And, if you find canned goods that you know you won't use, try giving them to charity.

6. GO THROUGH YOUR FREEZER-If 'it' (whatever frozen, freezer burned stuff you have) has been in there for over six months, throw it out! You're not gonna use it. This includes that half used bag of frozen green beans.

7. ASK YOURSELF, "JUST HOW MANY T-SHIRTS DO I NEED?"-Probably not three drawer fulls and certainly not any t-shirts that are from your high school days.

8. MAKEUP-Can't remember the last time you used it (much less when you bought it)? Toss it.

You'll be amazed at how cathartic some good, old-fashioned spring cleaning can be! And, NO, this does not mean go out and buy more stuff!


Anonymous said...

I've been doing some deep cleaning, too. The mail - good grief!

Dawn said...

I's very cathartic to purge stuff you don't need. I've been purging clothing, toys, knick-nacks, books, etc. for the past month or so in preparation for our move. It's so refreshing to declutter and reorganize.