Friday, May 30, 2008

To the Love of My Life

I am a truly lucky girl. For the past ten years, I have been married to a man that I still refer to as, 'The Love of My Life.' How else do you refer to a man that is your friend, your rock, your sounding board? Someone who loves you, confronts you, listens to you and supports you. Someone who weathers the good times and the bad. Someone who encourages you to grow and achieve.

Every year I buy him a card, attempting to put into words what he means to me. And, every year, I miserably fall short of the mark.

So, DJ, the words may be meager, but they come from the heart. The day I met you, God bestowed upon me one of his greatest blessing. I love you. It may not be evident every second of every day, but I love growing and growing older with you. And I plan to do it for many, many more decades.


Simpatico said...

Enjoy, and be thankful for every minute. Life is too short, and time passes so quickly.

Dawn said...

Very, very sweet. Happy Anniversary!