Sunday, February 3, 2008

Bad Groundhog!

I can not believe it. Well, yes I can (more on that later). We have dualing groundhog predictions. Punxsutawney Phil, bless his furry little ass, saw his shadow, thus dooming the NorthEast for an additional six weeks of winter. But, there is more from his southern cousin. Bet y'all didn't even know there was another groundhog to make the predictions? Below the Mason-Dixon line, General Beau Lee (hailing from Lilburn, GA), delighted spectators by not seeing his shadow and thus predicting an early spring for residents of the SouthEast.

Makes sense that there would be dualing predictions. Pux Phil is hauled out of his hollowed stump home before the sun comes up and is expected to make a prediction? Much less a prediction in front of more flashes than one sees at Mardi Gras (which is this Tuesday)? Would you want to provide that pesky wake up caller with good news? Hell no. General Beau is allowed to get up on his own schedule, eat breakfast, maybe have a second cup of woodchuck ale and then delight his followers with his presence. Hmmm . . . . That sounds like better treatment, which in turn might lead Gen Beau to graciously tell his followers what the rest of the country is dying to hear, "Go get your veggie seeds. It's gonna be an early spring."

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