Sunday, June 1, 2008

Sunday Ritual

In times of turmoil, even the simplest of rituals is comforting. For example, take our Sunday morning 'production' of changing the sheets. Yes, 'production' is the correct description.

Removal of the old sheets is a three part process.

1. One of us picks her up off the bed (which is about as easy as holding onto water)
2. The second person pulls off the flat and fitted sheets while the first holds the squirming kitty above.

3. Then, we drop the kitty back onto the bed so she can 'dig' into the mattress cover for a few minutes.

Putting clean sheets on? Oh, yeah. Real production . . . . as you can see from the pictures above. Why only three pictures? Because they are the only ones that didn't come out as creamsicle colored blurs.

1 comment:

Simpatico said...

Don't you love it? Ours is simply an older version with the same behavior.