Monday, July 14, 2008

This only looks like a garage

But, in real life, it is a marvelous, engineering masterpiece!

Looks like an ordinary two car garage with two vehicles, right? Look closer. Do you see an oblong turquoise shape? Look towards the top of the picture. Do you see part of an orange oblong thing behind it? Those would be our kayaks! On ceiling mounted pulleys! Yes, we now have two bikes, two cars, two storage shelving units, one refrigerator, other 'garage' related flotsam and jetsam and two kayaks housed in the garage!

This marvelous, engineering masterpiece brought to you by my just as marvelous husband. Thanks, Babe.

What do you have in your garage?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Currently our garage is a catch all for housing the overflow. Hopefully we will be able to clean out some of the stuff real soon to make room for at least 1 car. Ha.. Ha..