Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Still no picture of the garden

Too overcast today. Not a good outdoor picture taking kind of day. However, I offer up this photo, taken last week, as an example of how Coastal Carolina is starting to come alive this spring.

By the way, I forgot to tell y'all that I transplanted (my husband called it 'recycled') 9 earthworms from the back flower beds to the veggie garden. As I was weeding, if I found an earthworm, I'd excitedly jump up with my squirming, juicy cargo, run to the veggie garden, dig a little hole, gentle place my precious friend in their new dwelling and lovingly cover it up. Yeah, I'm sure the neighbors who witnessed this ritual, repeated nine times, came to a hasty conclusion about my sanity. Did I mention that after I covered the hole, I would say to each worm, "Welcome to your new home, Eartha."

Eartha is what I named the first one. After that, there was Earl, Erica, Eric, Erin, Edward, Erdette, Egads and Earlynne. I hope you will also welcome your little earthworm friends this spring.


Simpatico said...

You are TOO funny. We could give you dozens of cousins, if you want to dig them out.

Dawn said...

You are funny. Worms are our friends and I hope they help to make your garden a huge success.

Popoki said...

Did you tell your 9 new wormy friends that their new home comes with a fresh scent of biodegradable Black Kow?