Friday, February 1, 2008

T minus 8 days

After waiting for over two months, it seems surreal that I'll be on a flight to Lima in eight days. People began asking me about a week ago if I've started packing. Uhhhh . . . . no. But, that does not mean I'm just sitting here waiting for February 9th. I've collected supplies (medications, band-aids, a boatload of antibacterial gel), visited my doctor (Hep A vaccine, antibiotics incase I am struck with a bout of diarrhea) and continue my Spanish lessons. Next week will be dedicated to more Spanish language practice and packing.

For my procrastinator friends (and you know who you are), you are in luck! There is still time to donate to this wonderful cause! You can donate on-line up to this Thursday, February 7th.

Please go to
You may make a one time donation in the dollar amount of your choice. After entering your name, address and credit card information, please select “This donation is made ‘In honor of’ Christa Hooper-Wood. Please be sure to type in my name.

For those who have provided financial support, emotional support or both, thank you. I am deeply touched by your generosity.

I wanted to share with y'all one of the "emotional support" gifts I received (pictured above). Similar to a touch stone, I will carry it with me daily and, as my wise girlfriend wrote, "always remember you can find your Balance for harmony and grounding." Great philosophy many of us can incorporate into our daily lives.

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