Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Does your office furniture include a fuzzy orange paperweight?

DJ and I decided that we want 'grown up' office desks in our new place. So, we decided to sell our two current home office desks. Both of them are that compressed wood/particle board from Sauder furniture company. This decision makes sense since it will decrease the weight load of 'stuff' to move, thus decreasing our moving costs; and the moving company made us sign a waiver that said they were not responsible if the pieces of the desk did not go back together correctly in their new location. Hmmm . . . Having to sign the waiver did not instill a boatload of confidence in me. . . . . .

I listed the desks on craigslist.org (great site, check it out) and, much to my delight, they sold in less than one week. Just one problem . . . My husband's office is in total chaos (and we know how he likes his order . . . .). He has his office computer on a filing cabinet, the keyboard in his lap, the home computer is set up on two shelves of a bookcase and the two printers on the other shelves.

But, being a good 'daddy,' he made sure to leave one-half of a shelf open for the kitty. So, using some ingenuity, we've ensured that my husband's 'assistant' can still keep an eye on him while he works.

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