Monday, June 2, 2008

This Day in History

The year was 1944 and America was still at war. On June 2, after an urgent plea for help from Joseph Stalin, the American bombers of the Fifteenth Air Force launched Operation Frantic. Originally named, Operation Frantic Joe, the name was shortened so as not to insult the Soviet dignitary.


The Fifteenth U.S. Air Force was created solely to cripple Germany's war economy. Operating out of Italy, and commanded by General Carl Spaatz, a World War I fighter pilot, the Fifteenth was recruited by a desperate Joseph Stalin to help the Red Army in its campaign in Romania. In exchange for the Fifteenth's assistance, Stalin allowed the American bombers to land at airbases within the Soviet Union as they carried out Operation Frantic, a plan to devastate German industrial regions in occupied Silesia, Hungary, and Romania. Given that such bombing patterns would have made return flights to Foggia and other parts of southern Italy, the Fifteenth's launching points, impossible because of refueling problems, the "shuttle" to Poltava was the solution that made Frantic a reality.

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