Monday, July 7, 2008

What is it?

I'm soooo behind on blogging. Must be all those 'new house' chores that are keeping me from the computer . . . . Well, that and all the beaches. The husband took last week off and we did a lot of exploring of the surrounding Eastern NC area. One trip was to Fort Macon State Park (north of Atlantic Beach) last Wednesday. No sunburns for us, but we did end up with cricks in our necks from shelling too much.

It was worth it though. Look at the husband's find! A helmut shell. I was soooo impressed with my Babe's shelling skills. Guess I've taught him well. We both saw a small portion of this showing thru the sand. I didn't have much hope for a 'find' so, I told him to 'go for it' while I continued on with my walk. All the sudden, I look back and he's still digging this sucker up. It was then that I realized that it must be big and it must be good for him to continue in his recovery efforts. It is a gorgeous shell. He was so proud of himself. Carried it up and down the beach the rest of the walk. I was proud of him too! BEAUTIFUL!

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