Thursday, December 11, 2008

I've been a sickie

Oh boy! It has been nothing but one sickness after the other since Thanksgiving. Here's the short version: Caught a cold; sick for one week; thought I was feeling better the Monday after Thanksgiving; got worse two days later and by Friday, I had been tentatively diagnosed with mycoplasma infection (more commonly known as community-acquired, or walking, pneumonia). As of this Monday, I was feeling better and working on a freelance project that is due before Christmas. However, after six days of antibiotics, my gut was in full rebellion and decided to let me know just how much it didn't like doxycycline. And, now we are up to present day. I've still got four more days of antibiotics, but I now feel as if I'm OK if I step more than 10 paces away from a toilet. That wasn't the case this morning.

It has been frustrating to me (being the sick one), my husband (whose wife doesn't want to do anything-not even bake or make bread-yeah, you know how sick I was now), but the cat has certainly enjoyed the plethora of naps I have been taking. Mostly, I've been napping on the couch so that, during my lucid moments, I can enjoy our lovely Christmas tree.

Even the kitty has been enjoying the tree, as is evident by little green pieces of artificial tree that have been showing up in hairballs and in the litter box.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hate you have been under the weather. Half of the people in my office have been hit with the same stuff where it starts with a cold and cough for a week - you start feeling better - then it slaps you again and you feel 10 times worse. I hope you are finally on the mend.