Thursday, December 25, 2008

Twas Christmas Day

Twas Christmas Day, And all through the Harbor
Not a creature was stirring, ‘Cept the heron for fodder
As most of you know, we’ve moved to the water
Who needs a goose
When you can have Christmas on the Neuse (as in Neuse River)?
So me in my kayak and DJ too
Set out like two paddling fools
When what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a Kingfisher who drew quite near
“Ho, Ho, Ho and Merry Christmas,” said the spiky little fellow.
“Come back to my house, where we all can be mellow.”
When we arrived, Oh what a treat!
With guests like ducks, gulls, ospreys and more
We had quite a feast of crab and sushi galore
Crabcakes for us, bread for the turtles
Don’t worry about the deer, they had our crepe myrtles
After lots of laughs, we came back home
And wrote down this poem
From us, our feathered friends and fishes
We wish all of you blessings and holiday wishes


Simpatico said...

Now, just where do you think this rhyming talent comes from? You're approaching the bar set by the master!!

Dawn said...

That's some talent you have! Merry Christmas.

Anonymous said...

That was definitely a great rendition of The Night Before Christmas. Happy Holidays!!!