Friday, January 2, 2009

And what have you been doing?

We have been all over the place! Charlotte, NC before Christmas; VA after Christmas; de-decorating on New Year's Day and completing the 'honey do' list this week. You can tell from the picture above that DJ's 'honey do' list included cleaning all the limbs and branches from around our dock. (I don't know why the man is smiling since he is shin deep in shoe-sucking muck.) He did this on Wednesday when the water level was the lowest we've seen since moving in June.

Anyway, it has been a wonderful, but exhausting holiday. I'm ready to say 'bye-bye' to the holiday season and 'hello' to 2009. I'm not making any New Year's resolutions. For years I have made the resolution to curb my cussing and we all f*&king know how that d^%m resolution goes to s#$t before January 1st is over. As you can see from the picture below, Ginger did make one New Year's resolution . . . . . to show everyone just who 'Mommy' (ie ME) belonged to. Like there was any doubt?!?

Happy New Year to you and your loved ones. May 2009 bring you peace, happiness, love and personal fulfillment (in whatever form that might manifest)!

My love,


Dawn said...

Happy New Year, Christa!

Anonymous said...

You guys have been busy. Happy New Year!!