Thursday, January 8, 2009

Snarf #2 - Update

Alright, I can't help it. The following is from Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal. Keep in mind that this author is a little warped. Since Jesus can not 'be' with a woman, the author thought it would be humorous that the best friend be a nymphomaniac.

So, after watching Wizard of Oz (Biff had to come back to life in the 1990's in order to write the gospel of Lamb), Biff decided that the Scarecrow was wrong to ask for a brain, instead he should have asked for (sing along boys and girls) . . .

Oh, I would while away the hours,
Wanking in the flowers, my heart all full of song,
I'd be gilding all the lilies as I wave about my willie
If I only had a schlong.

Yep, you guessed it. That led to snarf #2 and a re-abrasion of my nasal passages due to hot mint tea. Dang! Teachers never told me that this reading hobby could be hazardous to my health!

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