Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Don't like the movie? Change your seat.

My sister-in-law will be celebrating her 30th birthday this week. Like her older brother (my husband), this is causing some anxiety. As consolation, I shared with her how I reward myself as I get older. Every five years, when I experience one of those monumental birthday (30, 35, 40, 45, etc), I celebrate with some extravagent gift. When I turned 30, I got my first new car! Up until then, I had driven used cars or my husband's hand-me-downs. (Note: Husband, I do celebrate one of those monumental birthdays later this year . . . . start planning that African safari!)

This real life situation demonstrates how perspective can change your interpretation of life. I consider my life a movie. I can't change the movie, the characters or the scenery. However, I can change my seat in the movie theater. Don't like my view of the movie today? I'll change my seat and try a different perspective. Don't like that one? Then I'll try again. Know what is great about this? Changing seats doesn't cost you anything but initiative and curiosity.

To Sis D: Happy Birthday! May you continue to fully experience life with initiative and curiosity. Love, Christa


Anonymous said...

I like your changing seats perspective on life. I have never thought of it in that manner before. With this perspective one can look at life from different angles. What may be bad at one angle could be refreshing at another angle. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

Dawn said...

Thanks for the birthday wish, Christa. Glad I could be your muse.