Sunday, January 20, 2008

Even with this, I'd still take the south

Anyone who knows me knows I hate, despise, absolutely abhor cold weather. Might be my upbringing. I can remember a ton of fun times during warm, sunny, even breath-snatching humid days. Cold weather memories? Not so much. Although, as a kid, watching our cockapoo try to clean the ice balls off her paws always produced laughter in our house.

The pictures above are compliments of my Dad and Paula. Between yesterday and last night, Williamsburg, VA got about three to four inches of snow. Yes, snow does happen in the south, but not as often as up north. I'd still take this south (yes, even the snowy south) over the north any day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope Ed & Paula enjoyed the snow they got. Charlotte was supposed to get 5 inches of snow yesterday but it never transpired. David & I were looking forward to a winter wonderland. Maybe next time.... Thanks for sharing the pictures.