Thursday, October 2, 2008


First, let me make a comment about the weather. IT IS ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS!!! A perfectly painted, coastal Carolina early fall day. Oh my gosh. It was one of those days that gives you a feeling of hope and all is right with the world. That miracles do happen. And, you would totally be hating yourself if you didn't get outside and stay outside all day.

So, I took God's hint and spent most of the day outside doing nothing but enjoying the sensory overload that comes with a perfectly painted, coastal Carolina early fall day.

Then, I remembered that World Bread Day is in two weeks! (And, no, I do not make this shit up. How dare you suggest that!) Oh my goodness. What sort of yeasty delights will I bake? What neat, new, exciting ways can I play with flour, water, yeast and a few other select ingredients? So, I got off my sand-stained butt and went to the library where I picked up The Bread Bible. Figured that should be full of possibilities.

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