Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Water and a beefy tidbit . . . .

I wanted to share two things with y'all this evening.

1. I love living on the water. I love being back down south. I get giddy when I look up from working and see the our resident duck couple (the most recent additions to the menagerie) heading to our dock for their mid-afternoon feeding.

2. Water begets water. Living on the water has stimulated my interest in this precious, under appreciated, life-giving commodity. Did you know that if 10,000 people replaced one beef meal with a vegetarian option just once a week for a year, we'd save enough water to fill roughly 605 Olympic-sized swimming pools? And that is for just 10,000 people! Imagine what would happen if a million people substituted just one beef meal a week with a veggie meal? The results could be staggering (in Mother Earth's favor)! Man, The act of growing cows sucks a huge amount of precious resources.

Chew on that tidbit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I will never thing about water the same way ever again. I hope you are enjoying the weather this week. It has been absolutely beautiful.