Sunday, November 16, 2008

Happy Birthday

He's my husband. He's my best friend. And today is his birthday.

I'm at a loss of words. I struggle every year with what to say. What do you say to a man who evokes so many intense emotions in you? Someone who personifies unconditional love. One who is a rock (all be it, cute rock) when you feel uncertain. Although there are times where I might give thought to wringing his cute little neck, most of the time I want to hug it tight and let him know how proud I am of all he has accomplished in his short time on Earth.

Most of all, I want to thank him for choosing me as his partner in this adventure we call life.

I love you DJ.

And for you curious bloggers who want to know (and you know who you are!) what I got this great man . . . . . . A pair of floating binoculars (to replace the pair I dropped a few weeks ago kayaking).

1 comment:

Dawn said...

Happy Birthday, DJ! Hope you have a fabulous day filled with fun and joy.