Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Deck the halls . . . .

Sing it with me now, good blog readers . . . .

Deck the halls
While coughing up your left lung.
Fa, la, la, la, la,
La, la, la, la

What? That isn't how the song goes? Well, that's how it goes in our house. Yes, yours truly has been sick with New Bern's finest, longest lasting sinus/chest/sore-throat with an annoying-most-lingering-won't-go-away cough. Started Sunday. As in, Sunday, November 23rd.

Not to fear. In between bouts of croup-like coughing, we have managed to decorate the house and put up six Christmas trees (so far). I say 'we' because even Ginger has gotten in on the activities as our official furry supervisor.


Simpatico said...

SIX?? As in 6?

Dawn said...

I echo Simpatico...SIX Christmas trees?!!

Hope you are feeling better soon. Sounds like you need a trip to see the doctor/nurse practitioner.