Monday, February 25, 2008

I'm back, but I'm sick

And this is the reason why. Meet Fabian. Fabian is 18 months old, has a seizure disorder, some cognitive/attention problems and does not walk unassisted. Every morning while in Lima, Fabian and I would work one on one with the psychologist from PPA and a physical therapist. Fabian got extremely sick early last week. Sore throat, crankiness and a high fever. The fever is what predisposed him to experience a seizure. Not to worry, that wasn't his first seizure with me (so I had an idea of what was going on).

Fabian, in his effort to "compartan" (meaning 'to share' in spanish), proceeded to pass along his sick germs. I was on the mend, but my trip home set me back in my recovery. So, here I am, home safely, but working on day 6 of being sick.

Although I feel miserable, how can I be mad? Just look at him. Ain't he a cutie? Want to know what makes it even better? Fabian took his first unassisted step on Thursday! Walked all by himself for a length of 4-5 feet!

More adventures to share . . . once I get over this fatigue, cough and congestion (not to mention sore throat).


Anonymous said...

Christa - Fabian is adorable. I think he could certainly melt my heart. I can't wait to hear more about your trip. Please take care of yourself.

Anonymous said...

What a sweet-looking baby. Hope you will be sending all photos thru Snapfish. Am interested in knowing how this experience affected you personally.

Dawn said...

He is so adorable. Sorry to hear that you are sick but glad to hear that you are home safe and sound and that you had a great experience. I'm really looking forward to hearing about all your adventures.

Hope you are feeling better soon. I'll give you the same advice that I'm giving my patients: rest, drink plenty of fluids, and listen to your body. Don't over extend yourself.