Wednesday, March 5, 2008

How much did you pay for your coffee?

As I reviewed my last entry about Peru, I realized that I forgot to share something rather important about the residents of Lima shantytowns. The Peruvian currency is the sol. The average exchange rate for the month of February was $1=2.8 soles. The average shantytown family income is between 10 and 20 soles per week. Thus, these people subsist on $3.50 to $7 per week. That is per household, not per person. And how much did you pay for your coffee this morning?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've never had a latte at Starbucks or any other designer concoction.

You have recently spent time among the poorest of the poor. I wonder if they agonize about their purpose on earth. Is it to suffer? To worry whether or not there will be a next meal? Do they try to find and follow their passion?

We were promised only one thing by our God after Adam and Eve disobeyed him and were expelled from the Garden -- that we must work for our living. That's all. But from whom much has been given, much is expected