Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Quote for the day . . . .

"The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win, you're still a rat."

--Lily Tomlin

OK, OK. I'm guilty of taking the easy way out of updating my blog by using the quote above. I could/should be regailing y'all with all the crazy details of moving, selling a house, buying a house, setting up phone service, getting a trash can and (the all important) recycling bin, shopping around for flood insurance (a lesson to be discussed later), etc, etc.

Oh well. Maybe tomorrow.


Cindy said...

Hi Christa,

We enjoy your blog. Hope moving is going as smoothly as possible.

Ted, Cindy, Katie and Cari

Dawn said...

Didn't think about flood insurance, but I guess it's a must in New Bern!