Thursday, June 5, 2008

Thoughtful Thursday

Pictures of some of the children I met in Peru this past February. No 'thoughtful' words necessary here. I'll let the images do the talking.


Simpatico said...

What are you playing in the next-to-last photo?
Beautiful children.

Anonymous said...

All of these kids look adorable. I am sure they could also be a handful. Thank you for sharing this mosaic.

Christa said...

The next to the last photo was during the 'Carnivale' celebration. Towards the end of the party, the kids were given colorful water bottles made out of soft plastic. Now these weren't drinkin' water bottles . . . Noooooo . . . . They were water fightin' bottles.

Well, it just looked like too much fun for just the kids to be having. So, I grabbed a bottle from one of the children and joined in. I forgot that when playing with adults, children adopt the 'herd' mentality. So, when I went to squirt the kids, I got 15+ water bottles aimed at me. What you are witnessing is the 'squeal and retreat' tactic I took when I realized that I was significantly outnumbered.

By the end of the fight, I was out of breath and soaked to the point where I went to the bathroom to wring out my shirt and pants.