Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Fish Tales - Meet Mr. Ed

In our house, we seem to have a fondness for a few things . . . . . Each other, the Kitty, all of God's creatures (except the squirrels who have a tendency to scare away our birds) and fish. Now that we've moved to the water, our love for fishes has extended into our decorating scheme (or theme, depending on how you look at it). So, I thought I'd take a moment to introduce to you one of our new fishes.

Please meet Mr. Ed. Mr. Ed was a "I love him, I have to have him . . . NOW" purchase. He 'fits' our family in soooo many ways. He is welded from recycled parts, making him 'green'; he has a horseshoe mouth, paying homage to my days growing up as a horse rider; and he has a big mouth, just like me. It's OK. You can laugh . . . I did say it.

Mr. Ed has a smaller 'brother' that I'll introduce another day. For now, just know that Mr. Ed is residing in our bathroom, right beside my sink, with his mouth facing the mirror. That way, Mr. Ed can see just how big his mouth is every morning.

After DJ and the Kitty (sometimes not in that order), Mr. Ed is the third thing I see every morning. What a way to start the day!

1 comment:

Dawn said...

Welcome to the family, Mr. Ed.

P.S. Christa, sounds like you are really enjoying your new home and surroundings. Can't wait to see it for myself someday.