Sunday, January 6, 2008

Habla espanol?

As part of my exercise, living peaceably with myself and others, I am participating in a 2 week volunteer trip to an orphanage in Lima, Peru. I have so many blessings in my life; yet, somehow I lose sight of that. Giving back, making a difference (even if it is only for two weeks), perspective and an understanding of Peruvian culture are just some of the reason for the trip. I leave on February 9th (less than 5 weeks!). Below I've detailed some of my "prep work" for this exciting adventure.

Valid passport-Check
Air travel ticket-Check
Fundraising efforts-In progress
Knowledge of remedial Spanish . . . .

This is the one I'm working on. Three years of Spanish in high school and none since then, has left me with a gap in my language skills. So, I've rented out the CD set, Immersion in Spanish. Nine CDs in all and I've only gotten through one, the alphabet. Now don't get me wrong; I'm studying, but I can only absorb so much at one time. Besides, I should have a solid foundation. This is the basis of the Spanish language!

So, I listen to the CD a few times, write down the alphabet, pronunciation and practice. Takes longer than it sounds.

Global Volunteers does not require you to have a vast knowledge of the Spanish language. However, it is exceptional helpful to know some more basic words and phrases. Not all the Peruvian staff at the orphanage are proficient in English.

So, back to more studying!

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