Monday, January 14, 2008

It Will Unfold

I came upon the following quote to describe the '08 presidential campaign:

"The story won't be foretold. It will unfold."

I swear that, as I read this quote, the words stood out in bold text. Those two sentences spoke volumes about life and living. As soon as my feet touch the floor every morning, I start to ponder how I can "control" my day. I can control my schedule, which makes me a slave to my watch; I can control my eating, which puts me totally out of touch with my nature hunger/saity feelings; and/or I can control how others will behave, which sets me up for disappointment in myself or the other person. The list of issues to "control" is indefinite. All this "control" comes at a high price. Drained of energy, curiosity and life, I find that I don't have much life for daily living.

It is hard to come to grips with the truth that "control" is an illusion. Imagine how much freer I would feel if I put all that control behind! Not foretelling the story of life, but allowing the story of life to unfold? Even having this wisdom doesn't allow me to release the "control."

So, here's a toast to a 2008 that I will let unfold. To a life journey that I will greet with energy and curiosity (using my kitty as a model). And when "control" rears its poisonous fangs to strike, may I remember that those fangs are the illusion.

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