Monday, January 28, 2008

Tempeh Tuesday

In an attempt to "anjuu" with my body, I have compiled a whole cookbook of healthy eating recipes. Since I'm vegetarian, I often use tempeh as the protein component of a meal. Tempeh begins with soybeans that are then cooked, cultured and fermented into a cake form. If you've been afraid to try vegetarian fare because tofu looks like wet, mushy white sponge, I urge you to try tempeh. It is wonderfully hearty and heart healthy!

Below is my husband's favorite tempeh recipe. God bless the carnivore eating man for sticking with me and my herbivore cooking!

Fruit Curry Tempeh

2-8oz packs of tempeh, cut into small pieces
2 onions (or 1 large) cut into half rings
2 cups water
2-3 T low sodium soy sauce
1 c fruit juice (apple or grape is best)
1 c light coconut milk
3-4 T curry powder
1/2 c dried fruit cut into pieces (pineapple, mango, apricot, etc)

Spray skillet pan with Pam/Mazola spray. Heat pan and then add the tempeh. Saute at medium heat until it is golden brown or brown (might be 7-10 minutes). Add in the soy sauce and stir so the tempeh gets a nice browning. Then add the water, stir and cover. Simmer on med-low until the liquid is absorbed. Remove tempeh from pan and set aside.

Wipe out skillet and spray again with Pam/Mazola. Heat skillet and then add onions and saute until fragrant (3-4 minutes). Add the curry powder to the onions and mix well. Then, add fruit juice. Bring to a mild simmer and add the coconut milk. Once the mix starts to simmer,add the tempeh back in. Cover and simmer on low for 15-20 minutes. It will still be a little saucy-not all the liquid will have absorbed/evaporated. Just before serving, add in your dried fruit and stir.

*Serve with a lime wedge which can be squeezed over tempeh right before eating.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is amazing how things change in a few years. Ten years ago, DJ would not have touched tempeh much less eat it. Now he eats most anything.