Tuesday, June 24, 2008

We Made It!

Oh my! They say that moving is the third most stressful event in a person's life and I BELIEVE IT! Actually, my question would be why it isn't #1 or #2.

I can't even say it was one big thing that made moving horrible. It was just a bunch of little things that added up to a huge amount of stress and hassle. Luckily, I had the support of my husband, friends, family and pharmaceutical products that allowed me to survive, not injure/harm anyone and deal with a kitty that cried (non-stop) from Maple Glen, PA to the NC state line. That's a story for another entry.

In the meantime, I thought I'd share with you my 'views' of our drive from PA to New Bern.

More good moving stories to come!


Dawn said...

Love the photos.

Moving is stressful but you've seem to have done remarkable well. Hope you are starting to get settled now. It won't be long and you'll forget all about this move.

Anonymous said...

I love your new home. Thank you for sharing your home with David & me.