Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Fall 2008 'Harvest'

Beautiful picture, huh? I love roaming the farmers' market, viewing all the wonderful and gorgeous products that people coax out of their backyards. In years past, I wouldn't think twice before spending $30 on 'designer' pumpkins and fall decorations. Unfortunately, economic times have structured me into a more callous consumer.

Thoughts I have before a purchase include: 'Do I really need this? Is this purchase a necessity or a nice-to-have? What are other more productive ways to spend this money?'

In my household, $30 could pay for a month's supply of breakfast (yogurt, cereal and fruit) for DJ and myself. And so, I walk away from the farmers' market empty handed, but more confident that I will not be one of the millions of American consumers who can not make a mortgage payment, incur credit card debit that goes unpaid or mar an otherwise great credit record.

Am I upset that hardship has lead us (DJ and I) to a 'Hawaii-less' 2008? At times, yes. However, our move, my (continued) good health and our ability to weather economic downturn dissipate my frustrations.

I was going to use this entry to caution everyone to really think before making a purchase. But, I'm learning I can't control everything and everyone (damn!). I'm fearful of the upcoming holiday season. I'm afraid what family will think if I say I don't have the budget for gifts. Will you, kind reader, interpret that as me loving you less? Why do I feel that I need to spend money in order to prove my love and devotion? Will you think this act selfish or will you recognize it for what it is; me (and DJ) making smart financial decisions so you don't have to bail us out in the future?

I'm not trying to open up a shitstorm. I'm just having a frank blog entry.

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