Friday, September 26, 2008

The Visitor that Sticks

We love the abundance of nature that inhabits our new surroundings; a myriad of birds, insects (OK, don't love them so much), turtles, fish, deer (saw 4 while eating dinner last week) and tree frogs.

Evidently, the 'love' is mutual. For example, we've had two tree frogs come visit (inside the house) over the past two weeks. The first one decided to cling to DJ, didn't like that and did a back flip and onto the front door. This little guy showed up about 10 minutes ago on the crown molding over the door to the garage. Lucky for us the animals realize that, although larger, DJ isn't the threatening type (unless you are a snake, then all docile-acting bets are off). He very gently chases them (if necessary), scoops them up and deposits them to a more habitable environment . . . . outside.

1 comment:

Simpatico said...

Start picking out names!