Monday, September 22, 2008

OMG (!) Apple-Pear Scones/Muffins

As you know, pears are in season and are multiplying like bunnies (or in our area, deer) in the aisles of Sam's Club. So, I'm looking at the cooler size box of pears thinking, 'Yeah. DJ and I could easily eat all these before they go bad.'

Famous last thought before I found myself drowning in a sea of pears.

It would have been a doable task had they ripened at different rates. Not my fate. They all ripened within a 36 hour window and I thought I was screwed. I race to the internet and start checking some of my trusty recipe websites. Nothing was really catching my eye (except for a Spiced Pear Butter) and I was getting desperate knowing I needed to use these pears . . . . NOW!

Then, I remembered my stepmother talking about these sweet apple-pear scones that were a hit with her crew at work. Hmmmmm. I jumped over to email and shot her a pleading note for her to share her recipe with a fellow baker who was overwhelmed with soo ripe, they-might-bruise-if-you-look-at-them-wrong, pears. The woman came through. After reviewing the recipe, I found some ways to improve the nutritional status without sacrificing the taste. The picture above is the fruition (pun intended) of the recipe below.

Now, before you ask, of course I modified from the original recipe. Just trying to improve their nutritional value. I will say that this dough is really, really sticky. It will stick to you, your clothes, your walls and pretty much every surface that is available in your kitchen. You'll lose about one scone's worth of dough probably. As such, I started to experiment with ways to make these without spending 20 minutes trying to cut them into scones (while still making the end product look beautiful). So, at the end of this recipe, you'll also see instructions on how to make them as 'drop' scones and muffins. The picture above was using the 'drop' scone method.

Christa's Oh My God (OMG!) Apple-Pear Scones/Muffins

1 cup flour
1 and 1/2 cup whole wheat flour
2 t baking soda
1/2 t salt
1 cup Splenda
1/2 cup light margarine (place in freezer for about 15 minutes before use)
1/2 cup diced apple (peeled)
3/4 cup diced, ripe pear (peeled)
2 T sugar free maple syrup
1/2 cup fat free vanilla yogurt
1/4 cup fat free milk

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. In bowl, stir together first 5 ingredients (flour thru Splenda). With a pastry blender, cut in semi-frozen light margarine until coarse crumbs form (will have the consistency of a coarse cornmeal). Stir in fruit. Stir in last three ingredients until dough is mixed. Be sure not to over mix.

For scones: Spray a cookie sheet with Pam. Shape into two seven inch rounds. Using a greased pizza cutter, or sharp knife, cut each round into six pie shaped wedges. Pull wedges apart, leaving about an inch between them. Bake for about 22 to 25 minutes (my oven took 23 minutes).

For 'drop' scones: Spray a cookie sheet with Pam. Using a 1/4 measuring cup, fill with dough and scrape out onto the cookie sheet, placing about 2 inches apart. Use your hands, quickly shape into rounds and flatten the top. Again, don't over handle the dough or they won't bake up fluffy. Bake for about 15 to 17 minutes. Makes 15 drop scones.

For muffins: Spray muffin pan with Pam. Drop approximately 1/4 cup dough into each tin. Smooth tops. Bake for 15 to 17 minutes. Makes 15 muffins.

By the way, if you are going to serve these immediately, you can sprinkle the tops with large, raw sugar crystals (see picture above). However, be forewarned, if you do this and then wait until the next day to eat them, the tops will be super soft. Turns out that the sugar crystals will absorb the moisture from the air thus losing their crystaline appearance and making a scone/muffin thingy top that is way too wet. Still eats well, just doesn't look as nice.

And before you ask the next expected question, yes, they do freeze. Without the sugar topping, of course.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yum, yum for the tum, tum. You are spoiling DJ.