Thursday, September 18, 2008

'Yak Attack

No, no, no. We don't have pissed off water buffalo in New Bern. When I say, 'yakin, I mean kayaking!

We woke up this morning and started to go about our usual morning routine, when DJ said, "Hey. Did you see the temperature gauge? It's only 60 degrees out."

I'm thinking, '60? I haven't seen that since Pennsylvania . . . in June.' Needless to say, I was impressed by our moderate climate this morning. So much so that I said, "Let's go kayaking?"

In a flash (OK, really 10 minutes), we changed, grabbed breakfast, got the kayaks down, life vests on and were hitting the water.

What a gorgeous morning. Early on in the trip, we had the sun rising on our left (picture #1) and the moon setting on our right (picture #2). The only tainting to a beautiful morning was the realization that the osprey have already left the area for the winter. Anyone know where osprey migrate to?

1 comment:

Dawn said...

Sounds wonderfully peaceful.