Thursday, November 13, 2008


It rained most of the day today. Hard rain. Driving rain. Icky, freaking, I-swear-I-just-saw-the-animals-going-by-two-by-two-to-the-ark type of rain.

Ugh. Nothing to do on a day like today but curl up with a mug of hope (for better weather tomorrow), a cat and a book ('cause things are a little slow on the freelancing front). Can't even bake bread on a day like today. Bread doesn't appreciate the humidity (just like your hair). The book I'm reading, Three Cups of Tea, is OK. The writing leaves a lot to be desired, but the (true) story of a man who is building schools in very rural, forgotten areas of Pakistan and Afghanistan pre- and post- 9/11 is eye-opening. Can you win a war through education? Books not bombs? Just a thought to ponder.

Another thing getting me through days like today is the though of kayaking. These photos were taken almost three weeks ago (10/26) on a day filled with sunshine and blue sky. Sigh . . . I know we won't get blue sky tomorrow . . . Maybe Saturday . . . . . .

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