Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I Got Crabs for my Birthday!

One of the many ongoing jokes in this household has been how poor I thought we'd be after the move. I even joked (repeatedly) that I'd have to take up fishing and crabbing off our dock to put a protein source on the table. My husband thought this kind of funny and kept saying, "You just wait. I'm gonna get you a crab pot for your birthday."

Well, we all know that I didn't have to rely on my fishing skills to put food on our table this summer and fall. I've got WalMart to thank for their never-ending halogen haloed bounty. But, turns out that my husband was serious . . . .

I did get a crab pot for my birthday! Truth be told, I was tickled pink about it! I can't wait til crabbing season next year. I'm gonna take my crab pot, bait it (that's what the black cylinder in the middle is for) with chicken necks, throw it out in the river where our secret creek meets the Trent River and cook me up a whole mess o' crabs!

If we're being literal, I didn't get crabs for my birthday (y'all were just waiting to spread all sorts of nasty rumors weren't you?!?), but the 'potential' for crabs. Good enough for me.

Want to know what makes me feel even better about my gift? By buying this crab pot, we are supporting the Autism Society of North Carolina. These crab pots, and other flotsam and jetsam (hee, hee) in the shop, are all made by individuals with autism. The Autism Society found that crab pot making, with its multiple steps and skill levels, could employ the whole spectrum of autistic folks. What a wonderful way to show these autistic folks (and others) their talents, independence and self-sufficiency. I'm not the only one who feels this way. Many of the local 'professional' crabbers buy their pots from this store.

I would like to thank the autistic folks who, with this crab pot, are bringing me one step closer to crabs on the dinner table!

What do you think of Ginger checking out her 'catch'?


Dawn said...

Happy Birthday, Christa! Glad to see DJ surprised you with a pretty cool birthday gift.

Simpatico said...

Can's say I've ever seen a RED crab pot before. Let's hope its color makes for a greater harvest.