Monday, February 2, 2009

My life is about as exciting as this guy's

I got a gentle nudge (from a friend in PA) about my blogging or lack there of. I could list a number of reasons for my absence, but they might be interpreted as excuses. Nothing worth blogging about going on in my life, cold weather makes me irritable with the overwhelming desire to hibernate, had some freelance work assignments, traveled up to VA for a short visit, entertained the in-laws this past weekend and spending some of my free time at the pottery studio. Sound like excuses, right?

Yeah. I thought so too. I think the real reason is that we've been going through some 'changes' in our household. No, not 'the change' many women talk about, but just changes in schedules and environment. Unlike our stationary friend in the picture above, a human's life is filled with changes. Right now, that means that my best friend and playmate (i.e. my husband, DJ) isn't here as much. Big bummer to my psyche. I'm finding that my pattern of behavior (as most of you are already aware) is to withdraw when I'm feeling overwhelmed or in flux. However, we are starting to adjust (even Ginger) and that has led me to feel more . . . . hmm, can't find a good word. Settled, maybe?

So, last week was better than the first half of January and I expect this week to be even better (at least my pottery skills are improving). But, here is something to ponder, how do you react to and handle change?


Gazella said...

Glad to see the nudge worked! It's good to hear from you!

Anonymous said...

The warmer weather is coming. I feel it in my bones.

Simpatico said...

Reacting to change: too much sleep and denial works for me.

BTW, who nailed the poor guy's feet to the dock?