Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Chaos and Calm

I got boxes and packing material all over my house. Half of what should be in drawers and cabinets are on counters and table tops. Looking at the chaos has led my husband to experience an all time high anxiety level. The Zen-Serenity candle I got him doesn't seem to be doing the job. Too bad it didn't come with a money back guarantee . . . .

And, through this entire chaotic process, there is one little furry bundle of calm.

Without dwelling on this too much, I do worry about the toll this move will take on my furry baby and my family. How do I continue to be a good Mommy and a good wife during this move? The best answer I can come up with is communication and honesty. . . . . but, at this time, I happily solicit advice from those who have it to offer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute, cute Ginger.
Enhancing anxiety is a good thing - keeps you alert and planning.
When it gets to the debilitating level, I recommend wine. Lots of wine.