Tuesday, May 20, 2008

How much for a tank of gas?

I'm here . . . really! I was in PA, I was in VA, I was in NC (for the home inspection), back to VA and (finally) back to PA. All in a matter of days. The amount of money I have spent on gas over the past six days could have funded my brilliant niece's freshman year of college tuition . . . . . in 2023.

Oh yeah! Did I mention my 'baby,' Bree (my car-a 2004 BMW 530i), requires WTF grade of gas? My 'new house decorating' budget (which was not extravagant to begin with) has turned into the 'feed the baby' budget. I swear, if this keeps up (no pun intended), I'm gonna garage the 'baby' in New Bern and start riding my bike to the grocery store, the mall, CVS and the farmers' market!

Oh! And don't even get me started about the price of groceries! My God! It would be cheaper to buy the proverbial farm than drive to the farmers' market and buy the damn salad fixin's!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are absolutely correct. Gas & grocery prices are getting crazy. I understand you pain.