Thursday, May 29, 2008

Christa's Hen House . . . .

Which chick would you like to speak to?

The above picture is a small clutch of my hens 'n chicks. Yes, this is the original image to the warholized print from Wordless Wednesday. Located in a pot on our front porch, these hens 'n chicks are my kind of plant. They flourish with inattention and bearing the brunt of Mother Nature's PMS.

You think I'm kidding? Two or three years ago I almost killed off the whole pot by watering, talking to them, loving on them and wailing when they started to die. Then my husband mention a rather novel plant growing concept, "Leave it alone." Hmmmm . . . . I wonder what would happen . . . . .

Well, three years later, the pot is overflowing with little chick off-spring that are just begging for their own hen house. Since they don't ask for much, I indulged and promised a shiny new coup once we get to our new place.

Note: At this point in the blog, I could bore you with analyzing the philosophical aspect of the quote that saved my flock. But, alas, I think I'll leave it alone for the reader to ponder.

1 comment:

Simpatico said...

Love the hen/chicks.

As Pixie would say, "if a plant doesn't thrive with a certain amount of neglect, who needs it?"
I'm pondering; I'm pondering. . .