Friday, May 23, 2008

What chu lookin' at?

This picture (taken in Kauai December 2007), gives you a visual about how I felt yesterday. Aggitated, on-guard and insecure. No, don't ask me why . . . I'm just content with the knowledge that I could identify what I felt.

I feel suspended between two worlds. That's OK. It is the difficulty with being present in the here and now (just gonna refer to it as HAN for short) that I take issue with. I find myself rushing from chore to chore, checking off my 'to do' list, constantly updating the mental list with the next twenty things. Lists are good. Lists are how things get done in our house. But, it should not be at the expense of 'living' in the HAN.

I find myself stepping back and taking inventory of my five senses. What do I see? What do I tactically feel? What do I smell? This small exercise helps bring me back to the now. Helps me enjoy where I am at this moment.

Yes, anticipating the next event(s) in life is good, but being present and experiencing the HAN is what makes life memorable. Please take a moment to give thanks and enjoy your HAN (wherever it may be).


Dawn said...

Thanks for the reminder to enjoy the HAN...I needed that.

Anonymous said...

The 5 senses exercise makes perfect scents (chuckle). Seriously.

Anonymous said...

You definitely hit the nail on the head. It's amazing the emotions you feel & experience especially those that accompany a move to a new home hundreds of miles away.