Thursday, January 17, 2008

Buddha or Bag?

Some days, I'm afraid of disappointing myself and others. These are times when it is difficult to face the world. On those days, I feel like doing the same thing as my kitty. Go hide in a bag. Away from all the hurts of the world, I get a false sense of security. Not the best tactic to take. In hiding, your view is skewed; your ability to experience your life is limited; and if you only "see" a small sliver of your environment, you could be blindsided. Sometimes by an issue even bigger than the one that sent you into the bag.

On those days, I try to remember what my friend Joyce once told me. "Think about all the people that come into your life as little Buddhas. Not that you should worship them, but that each and every person comes into your life to teach you something, anything." She's right. When I view others as teachers, rather than intruders (or people that can hurt me), I have more confidence in myself and my ability to handle the situation. It gives me a totally different (and often beneficial) perspective.

So, on your rough days, what are you gonna do? Buddha or bag it?


Dawn said...

Christa, I love the blog. I can't wait to visit it frequently to gain a tiny glimpse into your life and see some of your thoughts from day to day. I find blogging therapeutic at times. Even if no one comments on my blog entries, just writing the words and getting them out there is helpful somehow.

I feel like I've had my fair share of rough days recently, and as much as I'd like to hide myself in a bag, I find I do much better if I just get out and face the world. I'm lucky in that I have Bella to keep me going when all I want to do is curl up in my bed. Anyway, hang in there and my recommendation is definitely Buddha it!

Anonymous said...

Christa, I love your blog. Your banner is neat. I am definitely guilty of hiding in a bag from time to time. Your thoughts are right on target. Thank you for sharing.