Friday, January 11, 2008

Do you anjuu with you?

Do you "live peaceably" with you? Can you say you accept every single atom that makes up your being? If you answered, "yes," I'm envious.

I thought, that as I get older, it would get easier to love, accept and respect me. Not so. If anything, it is harder. As I've gotten older I've become more aware (even more sensitive) of being perceived as selfish, mean, a failure, ugly and all those other adjectives that we don't like to associate with our "dream" selves.

When do we learn that our opinion of ourself is the one that matters? That being true to one's self is what makes us happy and reduces our internal conflict?

What is the secret to learning this lesson?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There are days I feel the same way. Life definitely gets more frustrating as we grow older. Just know you are beautiful in my eyes.