Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I'd post a picture of what I've been doing . . . .

but after a combined 16 hours spent in the yard the past four days, I'm a little fatigued. Snapping a picture just seemed too complicated for my brain this afternoon.

The upside to all the yard work and weed pulling? It has kept the cat entertained. I'll look up throughout the days to find her quietly observing me or watching the hoard of birds on the feeder. After spreading 250 pounds of cow shit yesterday (yes, by myself), I came inside and found the kitty greatly intrigued with my sneakers. Some where in the back of her furry mind, while huffing those shoes at the same rate teen addicts in training huff spray cans, she must have been thinking, 'With all this cow shit smell, there's gotta be a steak in here somewhere!'

The shoes promptly went back to the garage.

Veggie post-script: I planted onions, swiss chard and some lettuce mix today! Just think . . . . Seeds turn cow shit into something tasty. Nature is truly amazing.

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