Monday, March 2, 2009

Spring is coming, I know it will be here sometime . . . .

Two entries in one day (keep scrolling down)? Well, that's because this one is in no way, shape or form related to the first one.

As the majority of the East Coast gets a extra helping of winter weather, I'm in the mood for warm weather. Forget the thermal underwear, the sweaters, the polartec blankets and socks in bed. I'm sick of it.

So, to get y'all as excited about spring as me, I thought I'd share some recent landscaping (last Friday) at our household.

Yup, you're looking at my future garden. Pretty little 4 foot by 8 foot bed that will soon enough be the home to swiss chard, Hansel eggplants, Cherokee purple tomatoes, red tomatoes, green peppers, Bianca peppers (white), an assortment of lettuces, squash, zucs (because I make some of the best stuffed zucchini this side of Heaven), butternut squash, okra and basil varieties that go beyond your imagination. Did you know that seed suppliers are seeing a 20% increase in sales for 2009 (compared to 2008)? Everyone is looking for ways to reduce their grocery bill! Including me. How do I plan to accomplish this? With cow manure, fertilizer, back-breaking labor, BB gun to rid myself of squirrels, deer fencing (remember, I'm trying to reduce my grocery bill, not the local deer population's bill) and my trusty Farmer's Almanac. Feel free to write a comment about your best gardening tips. I want all the help I can get. And, yes, I know I have way too many seeds for this little space. Although, 4 foot by 8 foot seemed much larger in my head . . . . . .


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see your harvest.

Dawn said...

Looks like your green thumb is about to turn greener. Can't wait to see the fruits of your labor! I'm wishing for spring time, too, and look forward to getting my hands dirty planting things.