Monday, March 30, 2009

Sunday: A day of rest?

Not so much. Instead the morning was filled with working at the gym and in the garden. What now? Installing deer fencing to help bring my tender, green efforts to fruition.

Don't get me wrong. I love God's little creatures. I throw out stale loaves of bread or almost-bad fruit into the vacant lot across the street, where we often see deer at night. Heck. I've been so generous to even let them eat some of my bedding plants. In fact, I currently have two bushes in my front bed that are nekked from about neck height down. Why? Well, the deer's neck only stretches so far. The top 12 inches of the bushes are out of nibbling zone, so it looks great. But, altruistic endeavors aside, I'm growing veggies for the bi-peds in the family.

We have some new neighbors. Meet our resident Canadian geese pair that flew into the harbor last week. They seem to like it. You can hear them fly in every morning around 8 AM. All honks and weezes, they're difficult to miss.

1 comment:

Simpatico said...

I totally get why you love living where you do.