Monday, March 2, 2009

Parenting Skills

My wonderful husband got to work from home today. Snow + travel + ice = one man working the computer keyboard around the orange-ish, furry lump on his lap. And do you know what wonderful husband (WH for short), mentioned above, said after the cat jumped into his lap for the fifth time?

"She wouldn't be doing this if you didn't let her."

Me: "I beg your pardon?"

WH: "You heard me. She wouldn't insist on jumping in my lap while at the computer if you didn't let her do it with you."

Me: "Oh. So what you're saying is that it's my parenting skills that are instilling bad habits in our adorable baby?"

WH gave me the look that can only be described as 'if-I-agree-I'm-screwed; if-I-disagree-I'm screwed.' Rightly so. Is it my fault if the furry product of our love wants to show her Daddy some attention? He shouldn't be insulted; he should feel honored. Enough said.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

David is the guilty parent in this household for allowing such actions.