Wednesday, October 22, 2008

2008 Trick or Treat

An early 'Trick or Treat' gift to my wonderful blog readers. I hope this; and the possibility that the 'wrong' president elected could significantly increase your taxes, reward the lazy with your hard earned money and lead us down the path to a socialist government; inspires you to get off your bum and vote. Remember, early voting is available in many areas.

Author's note: I could list 27 million ways to November 4th about who you should vote for and why, but I'll pass. You are all adults and I have faith that you will do your research, look at the issues, the character of the candidates, their patriotism, tax plans, etc and make an informed, educated decision.

1 comment:

Simpatico said...

I HAVE to comment on this.
Is that wreath on you door?? Cute and funny!
Remember telling me four years ago that there was a reason why the ballots were secret? I do agree with you, but there is still humor in how we change with the years.
I do enjoy your blog.