Thursday, October 23, 2008

North Carolina State Fair

Most of y'all know that the first year DJ and I were married, we lived in Chapel Hill. That year, 1998, was my first year attending the North Carolina State Fair in Raleigh. Ten years later, the NC State Fair is just as fun.

Although it was cold (high 50's most of the day) yesterday, we still had a great time wandering through the blacksmith exhibit, a dozen garden displays (where we fell in love with the look of Mexican petunia and pineapple sage), the tractor exhibit, the children's barnyard, watching a belted Galloway class and gawking at lots and lots of produce that could have made guest appearances in the X Files. We saw a 146 pound watermelon and a 700 pound pumpkin. Now that would make a lot of pumpkin bread.

Forget the rides, concerts or food vendors. Although it appears that this part of state fairs get bigger and bigger, I don't want it. How could you be interested in a turkey leg when you just saw the majestic bird, in its fine feathered regalia, it came from? I am fearful of the day when the state fair no longer has representation from the farming and livestock community. How can we appreciate our food if we don't understand where it came from? Who grew it? What hard work it takes to get that nourishment to your table?

Sweet potatoes, honey, corn. These are examples of the astounding produce that comes from the farm. But, do you look at your plate and think of them as miracles? Tomorrow, remember to give thanks to the farmers and effort it took to provide that bounty on your table.

1 comment:

Simpatico said...

I'll "Amen" your thoughts.