Thursday, October 30, 2008

Civic-minded Kitty

Yes, Ginger's parents did their civic duty today. We voted.

Who did we vote for? Well, that's quite a personal question, but I'll give you a few hints . . . . .

Hint #1: We voted for the patriotic, proud-to-be-an-American guy who can produce a copy of his US birth certificate (without being prompted by a lawsuit) and does not 'socialize' with freaking terrorists.

Hint #2: A man who's wife is proud of her country (all the time, not just recently) and who realizes that her shit stinks just like everyone else in the 50 states. Can you say that about the wife of the 'other' candidate?

Hint #3: A man who thinks I'm mature enough to make decisions about my money. Who doesn't believe in 'rewarding' some lazy ass with my hard-earned money.

You know, when you think about it "Change" is a six letter word . . . . . but so is "fucked."

1 comment:

Simpatico said...

Well, Kid, I'm mighty proud of you. Hubby & I were talking about Joe-on-the-Street tonight and decided that a large percentage of Joes vote for the best looking guy who looks good in a suit and whose voice has a nice ring to it, but who ignore the truly important stuff.

One ignoramus said she was voting for the Big O because he would bring down the price of gas! What?? How did he accomplish that when he's not even Prez? Guess she doesn't really know about global economy and the Law of Supply & Demand, huh.