Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Ah, Grasshoppa!

In this household, it is all about the kitty. Kitty's comfort, kitty's emotional state, kitty's education, kitty's entertainment, etc, etc. Keeping such a fickle, scholarly, brilliant kitty engaged is very challenging to her bi-ped parents. So, when DJ found this HUGE grasshopper on Sunday, his first thought was 'sharing' his find with the kitty. Did y'all know grasshoppers can spit? Ask DJ.

Considering that Ginger has never seen a grasshopper that could eat small children, it was quite the experience for her. She found his antics amusing, but soon grew weary when she realized all he could do was chirp and jump. Ugh. Now how do we broaden our 'furry' child's horizons? Any suggestions?

PS No animals or insects were harmed in the process of taking these photos. Mr. Grasshoppa was released into the wild shortly after these pictures. This time, without the addition of bodily fluids.

1 comment:

Simpatico said...

I had to giggle at the first picture -- so typically cat-like.

As kids, we used to call grasshopper spit "tobacco juice." That's what it looked like to us, and we had seen plenty of older men spit when they were chewing tobacco. Gag.